It's Farmer's Day: Thank a Farmer!

We grow the gift trees that we ship at Little Saps.  Happy Farmer's Day!

Did you know that we grow most of the gift trees that we ship?

Today, October 12th, is National Farmer’s Day.

I started Little Saps on my family’s Christmas tree farm. We are part of an uncommon segment of the American population - farmers. While American history is synonymous with the family farm - in 1840, workers in the agriculture industry made up 70% of the American workforce - nowadays, farmers and ranchers only make up 1.3% of the employed US population.

Farming is hard work. Every year brings new and different challenges. For anyone that has ever had a backyard garden, try to imagine taking care of that garden over several (hundred or even thousand) acres!

In recent years, farmer mental health has become a growing concern. There is greater recognition that economic factors, climate, natural disasters, trade policies, and a consumer base that is disconnected from farming has taken a toll on farmers’ mental health.

At the start of the pandemic, I became involved with a new group in North Carolina called Farmer to Farmer. Farmer to Farmer provides peer support for farmers and farm family members experiencing difficult times. With my seminary training and previous work as an oncall hospital chaplain, I felt I had skills and experience that would be useful, so I volunteered to receive training and became a peer farmer.

We do not have the pressure to feed a nation at Little Saps, but we do work hard to make sure our tree seedlings are thriving and healthy, at each stage of life and regardless of what nature throws at us.

We think it’s important to tell the story of the farmer and recognize farmers for the work they do to feed us. So, Happy Farmer’s Day to all the farmers out there, we appreciate you!

xoxo, Carrie


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